
LighthouseMany times the families of inmates have no place to turn. The confusion of going through the court process and their loved one being incarcerated can leave one numb. Expenses of court costs, lawyers, etc. is staggering. There are questions of how does one navigate the whole contacting loved ones, visitation, etc.

My desire is to create a soft place for you to land, be able to ask questions, and together find the answers. This is not a forum for legal help or dealing with the prisoners situations. This is for you, your feelings, situations, struggles, victories, frustrations.   Feel free to grab a cup of coffee or tea, and even a Kleenex box if you need it.  Lets begin.

We are making this journey together. It may not be one we planned, or wanted, but we are on it. And we are going to make it, one moment at a time because some times a day at a time is too much.  So for right now, just breathe.  More than anything I want to help you find HOPE!  I do have a monthly newsletter I send to families of inmates, parolees, and any that have been touched by the incarceration process.  If you would like to receive it, please send an email to:  lighthouse.hope@att.net or go to the contact me page and send it to me from there.

My name is mary and I know from experience how it feels to have a loved one that is missing out because he is locked up. I don’t have all the answers, but I do care and am here for you….