Are you Prepared?

We prepare ourselves for things all the time. Everyday we prepare to go to work. There are special things we prepare for as well, like dates and weddings. Some things are easier to get ready for then others. Funerals is an example of something difficult. Another day that most don’t enjoy is the sentencing day. I don’t remember what I wore, but I doubt I will ever forget the emotions. The thought of it still brings tears to my eyes.

Why is that day so emotional? It meant being separated from the one I love for an unknown amount of time. I knew the time frame that was given but didn’t know how much of that he would be gone. I also didn’t know of the conditions he would live in, his safety, how often I would be able to see him, etc. There was a lot of uncertainty. Looking back, I am so thankful for the Grace of God who brought us through it all.

Knowing how hard it all was has given me a sensitivity to what others are going through. Just the thought of what I know those starting out are going to face brings tears to my eyes. For this reason, I do what I do. And that is to reach out to the families of inmates. Everyone deserves to know someone loves them and cares about what they are going through. Unfortunately, people let people down. I have always heard it said that you find out who your true friends are when you go through a hard time. That is sad because that is when you need them the most.

People are willing to celebrate victories and accomplishments with others, but how many are willing to walk with someone through the tough times. When you found this site, you found a place where someone cares and wants to help. Please send me a message and/or email me at and asked to be put on the newsletter that addresses needs unique to your situation.

Even more than that, I want you to know that God loves you and hurts for you as well. He desires to help you and walk through everything you are going through. You are important to Him, so important that He sent His Son to die for you. You have a purpose and reason to live. You are more than the titles placed on your loved one, and those that people try to place on you. Turn to our Father in Heaven, He will not turn you away.

Have a great day and know you are loved…..

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