Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!  That phrase has been uttered over and over around the world since the stroke of midnight and 2019 was ushered in.  Wishing people, a Happy New Year is a common thing.  In many areas there are a lot of uncertainties for people on an individual level, for families, as a nation, and even on a world scale.  So, while we want things to go well for people, we know there are some difficult things ahead.  In reality, most of us will have some less than pleasant things to go through.  That is just the way life goes.  We also know that some seem to go through harder and more things than others. 

The thing is, a lot of times it is not what we are going through but how we choose to go through it.  We can pretend nothing is wrong, but that doesn’t change anything.  We can turn to drugs, alcohol, and other things to try to mask the feelings, but that doesn’t help either.  The best solution we can turn to is turning to the One who can really help.  When we turn our lives over to the Creator of all, then we can be sure our lives are in the best hands possible.  We do not need to fear what 1019 holds, because He holds the future.  So with that, I want to wish you a Happy New Year!!!!! ause

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