If He cares for the Birds…

Tonight, my husband and I were sitting on our deck. As we sat there and talked, we became aware of how it seemed to suddenly get noisy with the sound of a bunch of birds. Then the birds all began to move to one certain tree. We have a lot of trees they could have chosen, but most of them picked a tree that has lost almost all its leaves. One would think that they would have gone to one of the trees with leaves, or they could have scattered out amongst all of them.
We talked about what drew the birds to that particular tree. We joked about it being a family reunion or a class reunion. What ever it was that drew them there will be a mystery to us, but it wasn’t to our Father. We are in a time of the year where animals and birds are about to make their trip to wherever they will spend the winter. It amazes me to think they all know just where to go and what to do.

As smart as people think they are and how much they have accomplished, built, etc., who amongst us has ever made a star or planet? Name the person who can make the weather patterns? We can at best predict the weather, but we can’t make it happen. Who can tell some animals to migrate and others to hibernate? Can any of us give the flowers their distinct colors, shapes and smells? No matter how much we accomplish, we will never be able to accomplish anything that comes anywhere close to what God has done.

The same God who created everything, is the same one who knows every detail of our lives. No matter what we are going through, both good and bad He knows all about it. God never promises us that everything will be easy. He doesn’t say that as soon as we accept Him into our lives everything will always turn out in a positive fashion that we will never be sick or have any hard situations. What He does promise is that He will walk with us through everything and lead us.
Just like the birds trust our heavenly Father to provide for them, we can as well. I know some who are facing some situations that seem impossible. As I prayed about them, the words… “nothing is impossible with God (Matthew 19:26)” came to my mind. I don’t know how each situation will turn out, that remains to be seen. I don’t know what situations you are facing, or how they will turn out, but God does and you can trust Him. He is faithful. If He can take care of the birds, He can take care of us!

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