Mother’s Day!

Today I celebrated Mother’s Day along with a lot of other people. Many showed their love and respect for the women in their lives that have meant so much to them. So many of our mom’s and grandmothers sacrificed and continue to sacrifice in various ways to provide what is needed and best for their children and grandchildren. Having a day to show gratitude is good. I, like others, tried to show how much my mom and mother-in-love have meant and influenced me through the years and how much I appreciate the blessing they have been.

Some of the women that have had the greatest influences are not mom’s or grandmothers. They are teachers, aunts, friends, neighbors and others who reached out to fill in a gap. They deserve to be loved and respected as well. They may not carry the title of mother, but they have displayed the actions and attitudes of a mom. What does that mean? They have shown love, guided, advised, nurtured, and displayed many of the qualities that are so needed by the community they live in, and more importantly to the ones they are so unselfishly sacrificing to help. Being a mom doesn’t always mean spending tons of money, but investing time and love. We salute you as well.

At the same time, I hurt for many who find Mother’s Day to be so difficult. There are those who always wanted to be a mom, but circumstances made it impossible. Many lost mom’s and/or grandmother’s in the last year. Some lost a child or have children serving in harm’s way, or are incarcerated. There are many reasons for their broken hearts, and I hurt for each one. All I can say is I pray for comfort for you. May God help you not just today, but in your tomorrows as well.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the women who love and care for those around you. You deserve more than a day, you deserve to be shown that love and gratitude every day!

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