Roots and Rain

Sometimes it is hard to understand how some can seem to have it so good while no matter what others do and how hard they try, things just don’t seem to work out. It might not be that they are even doing anything wrong. They do an extra job or put in overtime to get some extra cash so they can pay some bills, only to have an unexpected car issue or medical situation. You get the picture. One wonders why it is that way.

The same is often true about rain. Some are wishing for the rain to stop while others are praying for rain as they watch their crops burn up. One thing I have noticed though is, during the hard times, trees and plants put down deeper roots in search of water. The side of that is, when the strong winds come, those roots that went deeper are more likely to withstand the wind.

Often that is true of people. When everything is going good, we can kind of float by. But when life is tough, we have to put down deeper roots. What you plant those roots in makes a big difference. Some things may look secure, but in reality, are not. My roots are planted in the Word of God and Jesus my Lord. That doesn’t stop tough times from coming, but when they do, He helps me stand through it and as a result grow stronger. Where are your roots planted? Maybe you need to transplant into a better soil… or maybe just let your roots grow deeper.

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