Tackling your Projects

When is the last time you worked on a project that seemed to have no end? You knew when you started, it would take some time, but didn’t realize how much time. The temptation to quit was there, but you knew the end result was worth it. Sometimes there might be delays, and maybe those delays are not your fault, but rather the result of others not doing what they need to do to contribute to the project.
I have found myself in such a situation. I can only go so far, and then have to wait for others to do their part so I can continue. That can be frustrating. We all have faced situations like that from time to time. People can let us down, even friends can disappoint and hurt. So, what do we do when that happens? You have heard the saying that goes something like, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going”. What does that mean? It means to keep moving on, taking one step at a time, and not trying to run the whole marathon. Just take the next step, and the next, and the next, and the next. Little by little, you will get there.
As for the friends letting you down… maybe we need to forgive and move on together. Other times we need to honestly evaluate who is dragging us down, and who is helping us up. We might need to break some old ties if we want to keep moving in the right direction. And always remember that the best friend you can ever have is waiting and willing to walk every step with you. His name is Jesus.

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